Thursday, 18 December 2014

The Very Final Front Cover Draft

UPDATE: 05/01/2015
I have changed the header font because I didn't like how I'd done it before, and I've also rotated the barcode so it isn't too close to the main story.



                                                            Below are the photographs I have taken for my front cover and my double page spread, taken with my Samsung Galaxy S5. The image I choose must be a medium close up (to comply with conventions) and must be clear. As shown below, many are blurry and grainy, and these cannot be used for my final product. However, many are clear and acceptable for my cover. The one I have chosen is the photograph to the right, as it is very clear, has perfect lighting, is a medium close up, and shows Shanice (my model) perfectly. The background can be easily edited out, which I will do to it for my final product, as it is very unconventional to have a door as the background of a magazine. I will also edit the image, changing the levels, contrast, saturation, brightness and exposure. This is to increase the vibrancy of the colours, so my image stands out more. The clothing that she is wearing is very 'floral', which is similar to rock artist Hayley Williams (shown below). Therefore I have reflected rock and rock artists in the clothing that she is wearing.

These photos I cannot use. This is because Shanice (my model) starts laughing and moving quickly, which causes the images to blur and become out of focus. She then starts to 'mess about', which could be used, but wouldn't be very professional.


These photographs are very out of focus, and therefore cannot be used in my magazine as it is unconventional and wouldn't look professional. No magazines have blurry images on their front cover because it then makes it harder for the target audience to recognise the person, which will decrease sales.



From Reverb to Anarchy

I have decided to change my magazine name from Reverb to Anarchy. I did this because I disliked how the word 'reverb' sounded, and it seems to refer more to dance music than rock, which is the opposite of what I wanted my title to be. I believe that rock music is 'the music of the free' and represents a generation of people, and the name 'reverb' is too generic to show this. Therefore I have chosen 'anarchy' (defined below), as it is more unique, and represents the target audience, not just music in general. 

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