Monday, 13 October 2014

Target Audience Diversity

Magazine publishers such as TimeIncUK and Bauer Media have a wide range of magazines for a diverse target audience. Many people like many different things, so there has to be multiple magazines to suit everyone's interests. Although TimeIncUK and Bauer Media are different publishers, they have similar magazines, as both publishers try to target every audience.

Bauer Media


As seen, many of the magazines produced by the publishers are very similar, such as Gold World and Golf Monthly, Practical Photography and Photographer, Sea Angler and Angler's Mail. This is because both Bauer Media and TimeIncUK want to have a diverse selection of magazines for every audience. My magazine may be more likely to be published by TimeIncUK, as Bauer Media does already publish very similar rock music magazine Kerrang, and TimeIncUK doesn't publish a magazine like Kerrang. The closest that TimeIncUK publishes is NME, which features more 'indie' artsists than rock artists. Therefore TimeIncUK can target rock fans by publishing my magazine, increasing it's scope in the publishing industry. 

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